TMI: Have you ever done something sexual out of fear?

Okay so this is really humiliating but basically I briefly dated this guy who really wanted to have sex with me. I told him I was waiting til marriage and he pretended to be fine with it at first, by then he kept manipulating me and pressuring me to go farther and farther and making me feel like I was being unreasonable and naïve to have such strict boundaries. So we were making out in his car and he kept pulling my hand onto his dick and I kept pulling it away but then he pulled it back really hard and kept a tight grip on my hand for a bit and just kind of kept moving it up and down for me and I started to worry that if I didn't do what he wanted he might get violent or something... I know that's probably a big leap but idk, I felt threatened by something in the way he was acting and we were alone in his car with nobody around.... so I jerked him off even though I didn't want to and let him touch me too, and I've always wondered if I made the right decision. I mean, maybe if I had said no he would've just let me leave the car. It's not like he actually threatened me, it was just a feeling I had. But idk, what do you guys think? Have you ever been in a similar situation, and if so, what did you do?

Just to clarify, I did pull my hand away several times before this happened. Also, I am no longer in a relationship with this guy. I just still think about this a lot and wonder if I did the right thing by cooperating. From what a lot of you are saying, it sounds like this kind of behavior does tend to escalate the way I thought it would. I'm so sorry you all have experienced sexually abusive relationships. Nobody deserves that, and I'm glad you have gotten out of those situations. And thank you so much for your responses, I really appreciate them 💕