single mom struggles

kellyk • 2016 first child. 2022 last child. 4 total

so, my child's father and I broke up 2 says before I knew I was pregnant. we could never get along and the relationship was hostile and dangerous and so we decided to go out separate ways... When I told him I was pregnant he didn't believe me because we tried before and it didn't work and he thought I couldn't get pregnant, or atleast, not by him... he said he wanted a DNA test done. pregancy was horrible and mainly because he made it hell for me. I literally got no help from him and if not for friends and family I don't know where id be today. the journey so far has been rough. Being a single mom with a deadend job in a deadend economy really has me fighting to survive on a daily. I have been to court several times trying to get this man to pay his dues(he has been hiding all this while). i decided to fight until the end, so now i am getting a small amount of money from him through the court and doing my own thing just the same.. ever since my child's father and I broke up, I have dated two men. I was single all thoughout my pregnancy and when the baby was born, I dated a high school friend who convinced me he wanted to be with me and two days after asking me to be his gf he started acting funny and finally said he is afraid of commitment and not ready for anything serious. I then dated another guy who I dated back in College (I'm 25 btw) and invested so much time and energy into the relationship only to have him leave me 8 months down the line saying he isn't ready for anything serious. being angry and disappointed, I broke down and when he came around 2 months after the break up, I had sex with him again... got jealous when i saw him with another woman and confronted them and made a fool out of my self... my child is now 19 months old and It hasn't been easy with men who say one thing and mean another. Im just tired of meeting men who waste my time, use me and take me for granted. I have been running away from having the same life like my mom who is still single and now 52 years old; I see the lonliness and I understand the tears. many will say, "embrace your singleness and focus on your child", but what about me; when do i focus on me and my happiness. the nights get really lonely after a full day's work is done and talking to friends is not the same as talking to someone who truly cares for you. sorry my story is so long and all over the place. . anyone can relate or has encouragement?