Advice and responsibilities


I'm 17 years old and I think I might be pregnant I'm going to go and buy a test tomorrow as I'm 3 weeks late late for my af. Ive had cramps, lower back pain, nauseous, tender breasts, blocked nose, sneezing. I know I'm only young and I'm responsible for my actions but I'm mature enough to realise I will have responsibilities and If I am I will step up and be the best Mum I can and keep the baby safe and healthy. However, i think telling my mum and dad is going to be hard. My mum had my brother at 17 but my dad is quite protective, i want them to realise I know I'm responsible for my actions and I'm mature enough to realise this. Any ideas on what to say to them if I get the bfp?going to do a test tomorrow I'll keep u all updated