
If I get pregnant this month, (haven’t ovulated yet) but when we do, we are gonna use preseed, f*#% like rabbits, I’m taking baby aspirin and conceive well blackmores gold, and he’s taking menevit. We have had two miscarriages last year, but we are hoping it was a timing thing and that there’s nothing wrong with us :( I’m hoping for a bfp on the 22nd of December, not only is it 3 days before christmassss, it’s the day we meet my fiancé’s all time favourite Geelong cats (AFL) player: Patrick Dangerfield, that was part of his Christmas present, I’d love to somehow surprise him that day!! I want to be able to tell Patrick we are expecting lol, we have been trying to work out what we can say that he wont forget! I am hoping and praying for our bfp after trying again now for 3 months, I’m more worried about that baby STICKING! As soon as we get our BFP we are off to the docs to get progesterone levels checked too as I think that may be a reason why I was loosing them...