Okay now I’m nervous

So I planned on exploring my sexuality, I’m 18 and a single mom of a two year old old, his dad was my first and only relationship. So I’ve never really explored to see what I really like ya know? Well I obviously was going to keep this to myself until the time is right, a lot of my family is very Christian. Well I kinda figured if I were to find out I was into girls (which I think is a very big possibility) that a lot of my family wouldn’t be happy with me and possibly wouldn’t want anything to do with me, I mean I expected that out of everybody except my sister and mom. That is until a few days ago. Me and my mom randomly started talking about lesbians and gay relationships because I seen a Facebook post and there was a lot of bashing, I was upset because to me love is love, if they’re happy then so be it. Well my mom started going in about how it says in the Bible it’s wrong and she doesn’t agree with it at all, but she also said that as long they aren’t bothering her then whatever. She just doesn’t agree because it’s a very big sin.

Now I’m extremely scared to explore my sexuality or at least tell her about it. I thought she was the one person that I could trust to not leave me or be upset and now I’m not sure..😕

All I have is my family and i just don’t want to disappoint anyone, or them just not want anything to do with me simply because of who I choose to love..