Please help

I’ve been friends with this guy for almost two years now. I’m turning 18 in a couple months and he turned 18 in July.

Anyway, we hung out outside school for the first time last month and it was fun, we weren’t that close before then. A couple weeks later we hung out again and he kissed me. We spent around 7hrs together that day and it went by very smoothly, we enjoy each other’s company. A week later he came over for a movie marathon and everything was very friendly until the second movie, when we started having a serious make out sesh. He ended up missing the train so he slept over and sneaked out the next morning. We didn’t have sex or anything. After we had already decided he was going to sleep over and we were making out on my bed, I didn’t want to lead him on so I was upfront and told him I didn’t really want to have sex that night (because I know boys get frustrated. My ex boyfriend would pressure me into sex whenever he got turned on and he lowkey wouldn’t take no as an answer)

But this guy smiled and said that it was ok.

Anyway, a week later (yesterday) he came over again and the same thing happened. We watched a couple of long movies, and on the last one things got heated. I really really wanted to have sex but I’m on my period and things got very frustrating.

My point is, my mom is constantly up on my business and she really likes him, but she keeps telling me to not have sex with him yet, to wait for him to ask me to be his girlfriend. But the things is, I honestly don’t care much about what my mom says, and I’m also not sure if he’ll ever ask me, because that first time we went out, we both talked about how we didn’t want to date anyone for a while, but that was almost a month before we kissed and things have truly changed ever since we started doing what we’re doing. He’s the sweetest, way more respectful than my abusive ex boyfriend.

Idk, opinions ?