My boyfriend and I have been dating for a bit over a year. Looking at other girls is a deal breaker for me and he knows that. Last summer, we had a really big argument about him looking at other girls and I haven't noticed him doing it since. Well, he went to his friends house and we're currently spending the weekend together. He went to his YouTube app and one of his recent searches were girls twerking. I said "Why did you search that" and he said "Oh I was showing Jesse something here I'll show you" and his fingers were shaking as he scrolled passed these videos and I saw one that was recently watched. I said "Wait scroll back up" and he clicked off the search and started doing something else and I said "No go back and scroll down a little bit" and then I saw that he was watching a twerking video. I was calm, but pissed. We went outside and discussed it and he said "It's not like I was watching porn" but he was looking at other girls with lust and I'm already extremely self conscious with my body. I'm hurt and I honestly don't want to go through this again. Should I break up with him? Like I said, it's a deal breaker for me. We've been together for a while though.