I need to rant


There’s this guy whom I consider my friend but he’s very obnoxious. Our friendship started as coworkers then we started flirting (sexually) and once I quit we hooked up 3 or 4 times. We haven’t since last October (likely because I told him I could swallow but he shoved his dick down my throat while he was coming so I spit come all over him due to my bad gag reflex, so embarrassing 😅). We hung out before that (like just hung out no sex) and I asked him once a while ago if he enjoyed hanging out with me or if it was just to get some booty. He said both. So I was like ah okay. And another time after that he said he just needed an excuse to get out of the house. Which kind of hurt my feelings cause I was just an “excuse”. After that he broke things off for a week because he was afraid I would “catch feelings” for him and that I wanted a relationship which was completely untrue and i has told him that before but that didn’t matter I guess. He cane back and we hooked up that last time (the come situation) and the last time we just hung out was halloween. I’ve asked him to hang out several times but he’s either busy or he doesn’t want to. Idk why I still ask cause I kind of feel humiliated when he says no cause he always says no so I feel like he doesn’t want to be my friend. We talk almost on a daily basis but sometimes he’ll go really distant for a week. Like a few words are exchanged and that’s it. Then he’ll come back and have a full blown conversation. It’s annoying. I asked if he just texts me to keep me around in case he feels horny again and he said “no why would you ask that? I haven’t tried to slide in a long time. That would be a waste of time.” Im just annoyed cause I want a friend but whenever we talk I feel like I’m annoying him or he doesn’t really want to talk and he just feels bad. It sucks I just want a friend. And it’s really confusing cause he’s opened up to me a lot and sometimes I understand why he’s a dick to everyone else but idk why he’s so weird when it comes to me