Been on my period for a month and a half...


Does anyone know what could be wrong? I got my August period at the normal September period was two weeks late, but lasted the normal length up through the beginning of October. There was a one week break after that period until I got it again. I have now been on my period since mid October. I am not sexually active, so it cannot be a miscarriage, std, etc. I am also on the pill for regulation purposes and I take it between 8 and 10 every night, I cannot even remember the last time I missed my pill. I am stumped as to what could be wrong. I have lost just over 30 pounds in the last two and a half months, but can weight loss really affect a period that much? I’m going to try to see my doc sometime this week, but I’m looking for any possible insight because I have no idea what’s going on. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your ideas 💗