Please Help...

Jacqueline • Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degree Holder 🎓3.97 GPA🤓Certified Debater🗣Mommy Of One☝🏽

I have somebody who is like a brother to me suffering severely from PTSD and depression. He's a veteran who served in Afghanistan who went from being a great guy with his priorities in order to homeless and has lost everything. He's extremely paranoid, constantly disappearing and changing phone numbers. He has also threatened suicide many times but will not get help. I reached out to him today and everything seemed well. He asked how my son was but then it shifted to him asking what we did for christmas that year in Ohio. We have never been to Ohio. I'm a psychology degree holder but I'm not sure how to handle this. I don't know how to answer him at times or urge him to get help. What do i do or what can his/my family do to help?