What’s happening? Still no period???

I posted on here about a week ago, my period at the time was 5 days late, now it’s 11 days late and I had tender nipples yesterday. I’ve never had penetrative sex, Ive grinded on my boyfriend without underwear, and he’s fingered me but he’s never cum remotely close to my vagina. Do you think any precum could have gotten me pregnant when we grinded and fingered me? I’m so scared, and I really don’t want to buy a test I’m only 19 and I’m scared to go through this alone. I feel like it’d be really difficult for me to be pregnant since he didn’t cum in me or even put his penis in me. I’ve been sort of stressed I’m in college and my period has been irregular in the past but please what is going on? Am I possibly pregnant? 😰 I’m so worried, thanks