Dear Mom

You are a liar. You are an alcoholic. You are addicted to attention. I am so afraid of resembling you that I fight the constant urge to self mutilate. It's not your fault that I have this compulsion but you certainly didn't help me when it first began. I did it for the first time in years only months ago and when I reached out to you? You tried to one up me by again stealing the spot light. When will I learn to just quit you? I told your youngest son tonight that the day you die, I'll find peace in not having to worry about you. That's not how it should be, mom. You are my mother biologically. You did stick around until I was ten. You eventually came back. You always come back. The psych ward has you again, I didn't expect that for Thanksgiving. Thank you, mom for all that you didn't do and I'm sorry for the things you did. That being said, I love you...