A very empathetic husband...


He's such a sweetheart...

TMI maybe?

Here's the background: So I've had some hard, I mean razor-sharp, nipples the last few days. Constantly. And sore as all get out. I told my husband about a thread I had read where a woman called them her "high beams" and I lost it 😂 anywho... fast forward to tonight.

As I get ready to go to bed, my husband comes over to me and kisses me and hugs me (he works nights, so he doesn't go to bed at the same time as me). He's being all sweet and says he loves me and all of the sudden... he yells "Ow!" He quickly jumps up and is holding his chest, and looks to be in some pain. I ask him what's wrong and he says, grimacing through his pain, "I don't know, oww, it's like something poked me." I instantly think, oh crap I must've accidentally scratched him with my ring... and then he pokes my hard nipple, laughs, and runs away. 🙄