Ladies, this is for you!


For all the ladies going through an emotional rollercoaster due to a current or ex boyfriend...

Guys are stupid, in all honesty. Many of them don’t know what they want until they mess things up. I was with the dumbest guy. His name is Payne, he’s almost 23, but he acts like he’s 2. He said he wanted to be with me, sex wasn’t on his mind. Well, when we finally decided to have sex, that’s when he started pulling away romantically. He told me it was good and he liked it. But whenever we’d fight, he said the sex was the worst! He mentioned that I didn’t seem the cleanest down there (bitch, please. I take care of myself), so I should get checked for STDs. Come to find out, he was with some other girl on and off! I got checked and was CLEAN!! I finally cut him out of my life. Got a new number and eventually a new guy who was so much better. Somehow, Payne got my new number and started messing with me. My boyfriend texted him, telling him it needed to stop. Payne texted me, talking more shit now about my boyfriend. I defended my guy! Want to know what this dick does?? Sent OLD screenshots - without the time stamps, mind you - to my boyfriend of me telling Payne I love him. My boyfriend broke up with me almost immediately.

Current status: single and happy! I don’t need a guy. Especially if all he’s going to do is ruin my happiness.

*Note: If he’s going to pull on your heart strings and make you cry or feel bad about yourself, he is not worth your time or love! Your prince is out there. Just be patient. ❤️ Each and every one of you ladies are beautiful and perfect in your own way. I may not know any of you, but I love all of you!!