Dear s/o (long post)

I don’t know what happened. We were so happy in the beginning and now it’s the complete opposite. In the beginning we were inseparable and extremely affection towards each other. Now, we rarely even hold hands or hug. I’ve told you how I feel unhappy and unloved and I’ve told you why. I’ve been putting so much effort into making this work but it doesn’t seem like you’re interested in putting any effort in at all. We’ve broken up before. It may have only been for about a week, but I was so stress free and happy. I regret taking you back. I just missed you so much. Now I’m breaking up with you again the next time I see you and for the same reason why I broke up with you before. So many other guys make me feel so much more loved than you. No matter if they’re just a friend or if they have a crush on me, it’s just sad that you can’t make me feel loved yet so many other guys can. You know I currently have feelings for another guy and you also know he feels the same. Nothing has happened between us, but he makes me so happy. You know I don’t want to be in another relationship for a while after we’re done for certain and I don’t plan on dating him until at least another year if we even still feel that way about each other. I just need time to myself. To have fun, flirt. I still care about you, I just don’t love you anymore.