I can't be the only one who thinks this....

Sara • 🦂❤️👸🏼👶🏽 boy mom

I'm a little old fashion when it comes to my relationships. By old fashion I mean NO cheating in any way, shape or form, the man takes the lead and the woman happily follows his lead. The man supports the family and even though the woman may work as well, she still cleans house, takes care of the children for the most part and listens to her man. I am still a feminist because I believe I have the equal choice to believe this way of family order is the best for me.

However, I have been seeing so many posts on this app where the woman will be like " is it cheating when I'm just sexting a guy?" Or "I went to lunch with a random guy I just met. Is that cheating? Why is my bf jealous?"

Like, what happened to respecting our partners feelings and NOT flirting or talking to other guys? Why are we questioning our actions when they are CLEARLY a form of cheating? Urban dictionary describes cheating as "Someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his or her partner by getting physically or emotionally involved with another person. Common forms of cheating include kissing, feeling each other up, vaginal, annal, oral sex and any other contact that involves the lips, hands, and genitals. Emotional cheating invovles forming a close bond with someone of your preferred gender and basically forming a second relationship. This may or may not include physical cheating."

I feel like this new generation does not have an understanding of what it means to be in a committed relationship. Y'all go around saying "relationship goals" and then go around cheating and asking if it's ok. Like, NO!

Ugh, ok sorry. Rant is over.