Panicking! Feel like I'm in labor!

Okay, so I'm 35 weeks and I've been on Procardia since 30 weeks to stop contractions. Ive already had the baby lung booster shot and 3 different shots of brethine to stop my contractions. This has been going on since 28 weeks. This happened with my first but it started at 32 weeks not 28. My contractions now are getting slowly closer together and they're getting more intense but not painful but I'm getting major cramping and hip pain with them. I do NOT want to call the doctor right now because they will have me come in and be monitored and we have a lot to do today. I made a vow that I wouldn't call the doctor again until I was in actual pain. Which I'm not, it's just uncomfortable. I lost my Mucus Plug a week or so ago and I know that can regenerate. I was checked and I was 50% and 1-2 cm 2.5 weeks ago. Haven't been checked since. What do you think? Should I wait until they're uncomfortable before I call? I don't want to be admitted too early. I want to labor at home as long as possible. I can tell you that these are more intense then the cramps and contractions I got with my first and I was farther dilated and effaced when I went into labor with him (80%, 3cm - was admitted at 100% and 4cm) what do you think I should do? I'm panicking and I'm also nauseous and i keep getting this feeling that i really have to poooooh. 😭😭😭