So Confused!!!!!!!! Advice please!!!!

So there’s this guy at work, he’s older than me but I usually attract older men because of my maturity level and the things I’m into. I’m 22 and he’s 34. He’s a really nice guy, very intelligent, and respectful, funny, handsome and blah blah. At work we have a work IM so we usually talked on there until I️ got enough courage and asked for his number lol which he gave to me. We started talking through text very light conversations nothing fascinating like we do on the work chat (weird to me). Then we stopped texting and he would only talk to me on the work chat so initially i thought ok maybe he has a girlfriend or something! Turns out no girlfriend he just works a lot so he says.....We have never hung out outside of work. However he always tells me how beautiful i am and how interesting i am and so on.....I don’t understand. He’s made no move to hang out or anything and he’s not married or divorced and he doesn’t have kids nor is he gay. Any ideas?????