10/11 weeks pregnant spotting red after paps

Jessie • 30 years old. Married ❤️ Three little ones, 2 rainbows.🌈
I had a paps smear in Friday (72 hours ago), the day I had it my doctor told me I would spot for about 48 hours and not to worry. I was spitting right away. It went away that night and then Saturday no spotting until about 3 pm and it was only when I wiped until like 7 pm. I haven't had any until just now (4pm) today. It's still only when I wipe but it was bright red. I'm having a tiny bit of cramping (feels like gas)  and my back is a little sore.
Should I call my doctor?
I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow morning should I wait?
I had a miscarriage a little over a year ago so I am really scared. I spotted at 6 weeks because of sex and that went away in about 4-5 days and it wasn't bright red.

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