Inducing me early.. feeling so defeated


So I’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and looks like I’ll be starting on bedtime insulin this upcoming week. In Ontario, this means I will have my care transferred from my wonderful midwives to an OB, and have been told that I will likely be induced at 37-38 weeks.. also meaning I will have an epidural before the pictocin even starts...

At 33 weeks, I just feel so defeated, this was not my plan, I feel like I’m being robbed of my birthing experience. I know this is all for baby’s health, but she isn’t measuring large, and this is a “new” policy they are adhering to, normally induction only occurs if baby is large.

I was so hoping to at least try to allow my body to do naturally what it needed and hoped to try a natural birth, now these aren’t even options. Honestly I was really hoping an epidural would be my “last resort”

My midwives have given me some natural alternatives to try to induce labour more naturally, I’m starting evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf tea, Acupuncture and they are going to do a stretch and sweep in a couple weeks..

I just feel so lost, my work is done on Dec 13th, and was really looking forward to having the holidays and some time to prepare.. now I may have less than two weeks.

Would love some insights, support, anything you’ve got, anytime I take the time to think about it I just start to cry 💔