

Please forgive the upcoming venting. I just didn’t have anywhere else to share my feelings.

My husband was so excited when we found out I was pregnant. He bragged to everyone he met that we were having a baby. He was just as devastated as I was when I miscarried the baby in Oct. He was the one that insisted that we keep trying and talked me into trying again immediately rather than wait a cycle. All month I have been anxiously keeping track of my basal temp, cm, and opk. Finally I had a phone surge this morning. Finally I am ovulating and I can’t seem to get him in the baby making mood. This morning he was too tired. While I was cooking he was all about whispering promises in my ear about the stuff we will do once my daughter goes to bed. Right as she is getting ready for bed he starts complaining about having a headache.

If he doesnt want to try this month then I wish he would just say so. This back and forth is doing awful things to my emotions.