Newbie trying for number 3

I'm new to the whole ttc community board so please excuse me if I'm posting in the wrong spot. I have been trying to ttc for almost 1.5 years. I've had every symptom there is only to be hit with af. The only thing different this time is my cervix. Excuse me for the TMI ahead. My cp has been high soft for a week. last couple of does it's high firm and tilted. I had a BFN at 10dpo and was surprised. My breast are a little heavier and when squeeze produce milk. I'm not breastfeeding and my youngest child is 2.5 years old. my bbt have been going up only slightly. stood at 97.3 for 2 days and went up to 97.5 another 2 days past and now 97.6. I'm only 5 days away from AF and I'm very stressed that she will show. I just want my BFP!!!