Get my abortion off my chest

When I was 13 years old I was in a “relationship” with a boy from my school. One day he pressured me into having sex and when I told him to stop he guilt tripped me into letting him keep going because if I didn’t he was gonna leave me. That was not the only time he mentally abused me. Well I didn’t think anything of it because he pulled out and went to the bathroom so I thought he didn’t cum in me. He did and 6 weeks later I was throwing up bad. Well my parents are divorced and I was with my dad that month so when my period never came (he didn’t see any pads in the trash can) he called my mom and I told her I had started but i had taken out the trash. She didn’t fall for that and I ended up admitting to her that we had sex and blah blah blah. She took me to planned parenthood where I got a pregnancy test and I was pregnant. At 13. My mom was devastated. She kept telling me how I was going to ruin my life if I kept the baby and to not tell the baby’s father. I had a friend ask him one day if he ever found out that I was pregnant what he would do and he said he would force me to have an abortion. My mom and him practically forced me to have an abortion and I am still so hurt from losing this baby. Yes I know that I did the right thing by letting it go because I know I wouldn’t have been able to raise a child at 14. Well i’m 17 now and I am in a very serious relationship with an amazing man. He doesn’t know about this at all... Should I tell him? and if so how???