feeling overwhelmed


is anyone else feeling overwhelmed thinking of all the people who will want to meet the baby? I know our parents will want to come to hospital to meet her but honestly I know how they are.... I don't need someone giving me breastfeeding or parenting "advice" right after I give birth. I am already nervous enough to be a parent, I just wish I could have a bit of time to get to used to it before I'm bombarded by visitors. my MIL likes to invite everyone to everything and i don't need a bunch of aunt's and uncles and grandparents around to entertain plus try to bond with my baby. and all the friends and other family members who will want to visit...... I am a first time mom so maybe I'm just being negative because of how everyone had an opinion on my wedding but I don't want to be around a bunch of people telling me what to do with my baby. let me figure it on my own or help me only if I ask! It's really stressing me out right now. I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by telling them to wait a few days to visit us.