Starting to feel hopeless..

Alexandra • 22, Special Education Assistant, Engaged 💍, Mommy to a premature rainbow baby girl 8/3/2018 🌈 👶🏽🎀

My fiancé and I got our very first BFP August 4, 2017. August 15th was my first doctors appointment and ultrasound, immediately got bad news that they didn’t see a baby. I was told I had a missed miscarriage and ended up having to have a d&c; on August 31. We’ve been trying since we were told it was safe again. I have had no luck yet and have literally found out about 7 people I know and/or family members are pregnant. Today my coworker told me his wife is pregnant as well. (She used to work with us as well so I do know her too.) I’m just starting to feel like I want a baby SO bad and it’s just not my time yet. It’s so depressing..