Early pregnancy signs. Could it mean twins?

Elizabeth • Model, wife and soon to be momma.
Is it abnormal to experience pregnancy symtoms as soon as a week after conception? A week after removing my IUD my husband and I attempted to track my ovulation and try to conceve our first child. A few days after ovulation I kept thinking I just wasn't feeling myself. Some of my symtoms included feeling Extremely tired, lack of appetite, head aches and sore breast. It was to soon for me to take an at home pregnancy test but now a few weeks later.... My suspicions were right! I will be 6 weeks this Thursday. I can't help but wonder if I may be carrying twins. I'm assuming if you have twins the hormones and pregnancy symtoms may be stronger than if you were carrying only one. Twins do run in my family. My mom was carrying twins one of them being me and the other she miscarried not knowing she was still pregnant with me until they were about to clean her out at the hospital. Crazy I know... I'm her little mirical baby:) This is all new to me... What are your thoughts?!