Unexpectedly Pregnant


Hey ladies, I’m writing this for some support. This has been a really rough time for me, I found out last weekend I was pregnant (my bf of 2 years and I were not trying to get pregnant) and I was going through all the emotions. I’m still in school (I am 25, he’s 33) and he’s not in the career he wants to be in yet, plus as a side note, he has a daughter from another woman from before we met.

We’ve talked about having kids and marriage and all that and how we both wanted it with each other but that we weren’t in any rush. Now this happens unexpectedly and as much as I was freaking out, I couldn’t help but be slightly excited about the possibility of having a baby with him, even though the circumstances aren’t ‘right’.

Well he was the opposite, he couldn’t have been more opposed to the idea. I get it, logistically i can see that having a kid in the next year is going to be hard financially. And he already has child support payments to his baby mama. But if we are planning on getting married and having kids anyways, so what if the timing is off? I can’t help but feel he doesn’t see this through with me and I’m scared of what this means for our future.

My appointment at planned parenthood is tomorrow for termination. Please don’t judge me or criticize me, if I had it my way he would be happy about this and we would be having and raising this baby together.

Has anyone been in a similar position or can offer some insights? I’m depressed and drained and I don’t know how to feel or what to do.