Twins EP Schedule/Supply/General Q:s


I’m exclusively pumping for my 4 month old twins. I started off feeding them on the breasts but my DS wasn’t gaining weight so bottle feeding was a must. I know it’s customary to wait on introducing a bottle until breastfeeding is well established but has anyone successfully placed their baby back on the boob after?

As of right now I pump 5-6 times a day for 30-40 min I was pumping for just 30 but my supply began to drop and I noticed another let down at 35-37 minutes. My schedule looks like 2 am (or sometime in the middle of the night whether babies are sleeping or not) this sets off the rest of the times I Pump which at this point will be every 4 hours so

2 am


10 am

2 pm

6 pm

10 pm

I had been producing at minimum 12 oz at a time and all of sudden I’m going as low as anywhere from 6-9 oz. and my babies are going through that before the next pump and hungry. Thankfully I had some in the freezer that I set to thaw. This may seem like a silly question but I could I pump sooner and still produce enough and it not effect my supply?

Lastly, do LO that receive EP milk still get all the same benefits as breastfed babies? Just curious if anything changes in this instance?