Mamas please give me your opinion.


So my husband took on a very large side Job, to essentially get us out of debt. ( you’re thinking wow this is amazing). I’m pregnant (33 weeks) with Baby # 2. Needless to say he was working on the side Job for 2 months. After his full time job he’d drive an hour away to overhaul a boat with two of his buddies which he subcontracted. He wouldn’t come home till 2am, 4 am or sometimes 6 am. Our relationship became very rocky at this point. I didn’t think it was acceptable for a married man and father to be out working so late. Not to mention his friends drink and smoke (weed) which he indulges in when he’s around them. Then he was hired to deliver the boat he worked on to FL. We’re in NE. So he requested unpaid leave from his full time job to be paid and deliver the boat. He insisted I join the “once in a lifetime” trip which I did at 30 weeks pregnant. The trip was a disaster. Tons of mechanical issues along the way, him and his buddies drinking and smoking. While I stayed with our son. He promised me family time. Not once did we have family time. Not once did we go out to dinner without his buddies. Any-who I left the Saturday before I was due back to work with our son who’s 3 years old. My husband took a third week off of work and stayed on the boat with his friends to conduct repairs. Went out to bars etc. not once did he call me to check on me. Or say goodnight to us. He drove back for thanksgiving and is now saying he’s going to go back and finish the repairs on the boat. I’m livid. I said no, being so close to my due date I really feel this is UNACCEPTABLE not to mention I had my son at 36 weeks. What are your thoughts and opinions!?