Natural Childbirth

Stormy • Stormy, 29 🌻 Divorced. Baby #1 born 4/19/18 after 19 months TTC with tubal insufficiency! Baby #2 born 01/26/21 after issues with ovulation and an incompetent cervix.

Any other moms to be planning on a natural, non-medicated birth? I am only 17 weeks but I have known for a long time that I want my delivery to be as natural as possible. I have quite a few reasons I don’t want an epidural but if it comes down to it and I decide to get one last minute, that’s okay.

My problem is that everyone tells me I’m crazy for not wanting one. My husband and mom are on board with me in not getting one but I work in the hospital I will be delivering at and quite a few nurses have told me that I want the epidural and that I just don’t know it yet. That bothers the crap out of me.

I guess I’m just needing some reassurance from other people that are planning to do the same thing.