Finally a BFP!


Let me just preface by saying that my husband and I have been trying without success for eleven months.

I knew something felt wrong for a couple days leading up to the time I tested. I was queasy even after eating, I had more gas than normal, I was bloated, my lower back hurt and I was overly emotional. Everything but the queasiness and back pain was normal for me at that time in my cycle. I tested at 9am three days before my period was due and saw just one line. I threw the test out, accepted the fact that I wasn’t pregnant and carried on with my day. The hurt from the BFN had only been expected by now. Something later on told me to go back and check that test hours later and sure enough when I pulled it out of the trash can I saw TWO LINES!! I couldn’t believe it. I must not have waited long enough to watch the second VVVFL come through. I showed my husband and started crying.

I went to the drug store and bought four more tests. THEY WERE ALL POSITIVE!! I cried so much.

Now I’m terrified of the pregnancy not sticking and resulting in a miscarriage. Here enters a new kind of crazy...