I’m Late😩

Lanise • MUA Make Up Artist💄

Ok so on October 30th me and my bf had sex and i was on my period. I.T was my 4th day of being on my period and my bf pulled out but as he was he cam in me a little bit. It’s now November 28th and I’m 4 Days late and I’m super nervous but also my period time line says i was on my period twice last month but i honesty don’t recall being on my period in the beginning of October. I always have once period every month but my tracker says i had I.T twice and the last week of October i had I.T was correct but i really don’t recall the beginning cycle in October. But it’s now November and the month is damn near over and i haven’t had my period and this is supposed to be my 4th day on my period and i haven’t had my cycle at all and I’m freaking out😓 someone please give me answers I’ve been late before but I’m really freaking out now. I just turned 20 on the 6th of this month and I’m in college and me and bf are not ready for kids rn