Was this when I got pregnant?

I’m just wondering if pregnancy can happen fast, as I think it did for me, I’m trying to remember when I got pregnant and I am definite it was the day after I did it with my husband obviously. We did it on May 1, 2017 which was my ovulation date and a day after I noticed I had abdominal cramping on one of my sides and it lasted for maybe a week, I kept complaining to my husband about it as well and he wanted me to go to the doctor which I didn’t, I just dealt with it. Then I spotted once around May 5, 2017 it was the tiniest spotting ever and I could swear I started having morning sickness around the 5th of May too, I took a two tests on May 13, 2017 and got a strong positive! My next period wasn’t due until May 15, 2017 and this same similar situation happened with the cramping etc when I got pregnant with my first baby but I didn’t even think I could be pregnant at the time, I do remember my husband giving me aleve for the cramping too when I got pregnant with my first baby... so exact same thing happened except with first baby I didn’t even think I could be pregnant, I was clued out haha !

I’m now due January 22, 2018 with baby #2.

Just wondering if this is when I got pregnant? =)