Hailey Rae 😍😍

Ashley β€’ 2|20|10 2|25|16 12|05|17

My third little girl was born on November 17th at 37 weeks and 3 days after 15 hours of labor, 7 minutes of pushing. She was 6 lbs 6.5 oz and 19 inches long.

She had respiratory distress for the first 36 hours with nose flairing and chest retractions. She was also grunting a lot and had tons of mucus that she would spit up and choke on. She had a tube down her throat to help get rid of the mucus and the excess air that she was getting through her nose. (Room air, not O2) Plus an IV for sugar water since she wasn't able to breastfeed.

After about 36 hours she was able to keep her stats up on her own so she was FINALLY allowed out of the nursery! We wound up staying just an extra day so they could keep an eye on her. Plus her bilirubin levels were high so she needed to spend some time under the lights.

By the time we went home she was down to 5 lbs 14 oz and was wearing preemie diapers and preemie clothes. But she is perfect and beautiful and doing great! And her big sisters, Khloe and Ava, are so happy to have her home!

She is now 11 days old and oh my gosh, I can hardly stand her cuteness. <3<3