If I quit am I a bad mom?

I feel like total shit. My baby was born really small and really sleepy, so breastfeeding was impossible to get her to gain weight and eat enough. So I decided to pump exclusively so she'd still get breast milk and we'd both be happy!

Now I'm 3 weeks pp and I was so wrong. Pumping is so time consuming and I'm home alone with my baby most of the day, so it's hard to pump as much as I should. Last night I forgot my middle of the night pumping session and woke up engorged, in pain, and with a plugged duct that hurts so bad I seriously want to curl up and bawl.

This is just too mentally exhausting for me. I think switching to formula would be better for me mentally, but financially it would be hard and the whole idea of quitting just gives me anxiety and makes me feel awful. I wish my husband were more supportive when I ask if I should quit or stick it out, and he just shrugs and says feeding her this way is cheaper, but it's my call.

I guess I just need some support. Please, don't judge.