Two days over due. 💙


Came to the hospital for 8 pm last night. Started the process to be induced. Got the gel. Contractions started to come around 9 pm. By 12am, they were strong and had to call my boyfriend to get his ass back to the hospital. (We live about 40-45 minutes away.) he came. The contractions got extremely bad. I got morphine and gravel shot to help me sleep. 2 hours of sleep. I was 2cm at the beginning of the night. Now 4-5cm. They came to strong for me to handle for a couple hours. Come 6 am. Dr comes to check up on me and I decided to get the epidural after fighting with my boyfriend. (I was scared cause it’s messing with my spine and my dr tried twice before being able to get it to work. Turned out to be my best friend.) around 730 I got the epidural. Expecting to be a few hour labour due to him being my first baby. We all were wrong. 740pm, I had gone from 4-5 cm to 10! My water sack decided to just come right out too. Didn’t break. Just decided it wanted to come out. So I started pushing at 740. An hour and five minutes later this bundle of joy decided to join our world. 💙 all the doctors and nurses were surprised by how fast I had progressed and pushed! He still hasn’t cried once. Loves to just stretch out. Meet Ryley Ray Joseph Beloin. Born 8:45am 11/28/17. 6lbs 10oz. 49 cm. 💙💙 my little angel.