I feel lost!

Amanda • Wife and a mommy to Evan (6yrs) and baby Ethan 😊

I was diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks. I feel like I let my baby down and every time I start to feel better I get brought down again. Today is my birthday and I was having the best day and then I got a call from a specialist while on my walk and she started talking about how important it is that I show up to a 3 hour info session about GD since having it can cause abnormalities in the baby. I didn't know that. So that definitely brought me down. Since finding out I'm eating cleaner and totally cut off bread, pasta, and high carb foods. I know I can handle this the last part of pregnancy but I feel like it's one thing after another. So much stuff is going though my head and I wish someone can just tell me that baby and I are going to be okay. 😞 it's comforting to know that this wasn't my fault and that this does happen to a lot of woman. I know I can be found through a lot worse but my biggest fear is being told I have to take insulin or a pill. I go see the specialist next wed and a week after that I see my dr so I'm hoping my numbers can change a little within these 2 weeks. How is everyone else coping with finding out and if you did have GD was your baby and you okay after delivery?