The Decision


Ohk you guys, I have a situation where I need advice. I’m 19 years old in college but I’m not really doing that well. I never really wanted to go but my parents kept insisting that I did. Well really forcing me cause they said go to school or get out their house and since I’ve graduated in 2016 I’ve transferred to 3 different schools cause I haven’t found one I’ve liked yet but I recently got into a relationship with this guy and he’s a hip hop artist over in Atlanta and I’m from little ole Huntsville, Al. He knows how much I’ve always wanted to work in the music business and he wants me to move in with him and become his publicist and they said they were going to pay me well. I don’t have to worry about bills or rides for a while cause they were going to handle everything until I got on my feet but my parents want me to stay in school and get a degree because they feel as if life is better with a degree. I wouldn’t mind it but I wanted to go to a music school but they won’t help me get into one cause they said they cost too much and I can’t pull out loans cause my credit is already bad from hospital bills cause I have bad health. My boyfriend also knows about that and said they’ll have my own personal doctor out their for me also. Should I stay and get a degree at this lame a school or go after my dream while it’s getting handed to me? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.