Countdown begins now 🍼


It’s almost time!

The 6 weeks countdown begins today, I just can’t believe I’m about to be a mom! I turnt 33 Weeks today and I’ll be 8 Months on the 12th of December. Each Wednesday I’m closer and closer to the due date which is January 17th. Yesterday I had an anatomy scan, and my little peanut is doing great. He finally turnt head down and them kicks are getting stronger & sharper. I’ve been having sharp pains around my lower stomach, and since this is my first pregnancy I can’t tell if those are Braxton Hicks or what, but I’m not a fan if so lol.

Since I’m getting closer, the moment I think about the day I go into labor I get a little nervous. It’s like, how will those contractions feel? Will I know If I’m going into labor? How long will I be in labor? 😂 All those random thoughts run through my mind. Though I’m really eager to see him ❤️

Who’s counting down?