Looking for 10 and 11 week scan pictures

Bianca • Mama to a beautiful boy and pregnant with another, due 9th of July 2018 🤰🏽

Got my first scan appointment in the post today for the 28th of December (I’ll be 12+3 weeks) but we want to announce to our families on Xmas day. I don’t want to announce without having a scan to check everything is okay first (I’m in the U.K.) so was considering paying for a private scan before Xmas but can’t decide when to book it for. I’m so anxious I’m considering booking it a bit earlier (maybe around 10 weeks) and giving out the photos at Christmas. But I was wondering if people could post their scans for me at either 10 or 11 weeks (just so I can see the difference). I’m currently 8+1 weeks. Thanks 😘