Why does this bother me?!


So I don’t necessarily find my self attractive because when I was younger I was honestly SO ugly and I was bullied A LOT. Now (15) I kinda developed a body and I lot of guys started chasing me probably started last year. Anyway it seems like even though I have an amazing boyfriend that I love and so many people wonder how he got me and whatever cause apparently I’m hot. But I honestly don’t think so I guess Iam still kind of insecure and there is like two stupid 14 year old guys that went to my middle school last year (Iam a freshman now dating a senior btw) that always call me ugly and whatever. They’re jerks and so is their Group of friends they talk about me right in front of me and to my boyfriend (they call a bunch of girls ugly that I tbh think are pretty and they’re so stupid and ugly themselves it’s kinda funny cause they couldn’t pull anyone they talk about) anyway how do you not let dumb ass people bother you and am I the only one that has this problem ugh even though guys constantly hit on me and stare at me and my boyfriend is the only guy I want and I honestly only care about his opinion for some reason it bothers me that a couple people call me ugly... help?!

All pictures of me^^^^not the best but whatever lol