Sofia Loyda- Marie Colon.😭😍


Everyone meet Sofia! Born 11-28-17 at 4:04am via c-section. 7lbs 4.8oz 18 inches long! Here’s a brief Birth story!(:

Arrived at the hospital at 5am Monday Morning with contractions 6 minutes apart, intense but not super painful. Was checked and had only been 3 cm dilated. Did an ultrasound and had low fluid so they wanted to induce me. Get put in a room and started pitocin. Contractions immediately got worse and took me hours to go from 3-4, then another few to get from 4-6. At this point contractions were rough and I decided to use iv pain meds. You only get 3 doses and I used all3 within a few more hours. I was stuck at 6 for what seemed like forever so they decided to break my water. That took another couple hours to move me from 6-8. I finally asked for an epidural but they had a hard time finding the spot in my back to put it in so I said never mind. It was about 10pm at this point. I went the next 4-5 hours all natural stuck

at 9cm. In the worst pain of my life. We knew something was wrong because I was stuck at 6 for the longest time. So when I was stuck at 9, they tried getting me up and moving around and I just couldn’t move. My body was shaken and weak and sore from 20 hours of labor. I finally decided around 3am I needed a c section because something wasn’t right. I shouldn’t be stuck at a 9 for hours. They took me off pitocin and got me prepped for a c section. Off to the operating room I went! Come to find out my baby girl was sunny side up! No wonder she didn’t want to come out! She was born at 4:04 and was beautiful and healthy.❤️ Then I find out I lost more blood than they would like so I had to have a blood transfusion. I have had the worst and best week of my life. C section recovery is no fucking joke. I’m ready to be healed and able to tend to my baby without being in so much pain. But thankfully tomorrow I get to go home!(: