TTC after miscarriage - CM Help


Okay so I will fill everyone in quickly...My husband finally agreed to start trying for our second baby, back in July. We got pregnant after the first try. I took a test on August 6th 2017 and it was positive! I was literally like 4wks along. Now fast forward to September 4th, Labor Day, I started bleeding but it was light and I just watched it closely, assuming it was normal early pregnancy spotting. Early evening it had stopped until the next evening it started again, still light..I was crampy and starting to get nervous..So I called the Birthing unit at the hospital to get in touch with the on call midwife, they told me since its still light bleeding/spotting to just rest tonight and call the midwife at her office in the morning to make an appointment. Now it’s September 6th..I wake up to use the bathroom and just feel different...empty I guess you could say. There’s no blood, but like I said something didn’t feel right. Later that day I went to the hospital for an emergency ultrasound and found out I was in the beginning stages of a miscarriage...a blighted Ovum. I was absolutely devastated. Part of me wanted to try again, right away and another part of me wanted nothing to do with sex in general. We waited 2 cycles to try again.

Now today (11.28.17), I am 8dpo and have been having a lot of wet cm...but not like sticky. Just wet almost like pee. But I obviously know I’m not peeing myself and I obviously wipe myself after using the bathroom. 😂🙄 So I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has an explanation for this or if anyone else has experienced this? AFD 6-7days.

Other symptoms are: extremely thirsty, sore/sensitive breasts and nipples, mood swings, some very light low cramping, extremely tired, urinating more and my sex drive has been lower than normal (I typically have a high sex drive 🙈)


Today (11.29.17) I am 9dpo and am having a few new symptoms. First, when I was driving to bring my son to preschool, I was extremely nauseous...I was actually dry heaving. It finally subsided with some cool air and deep breaths. But as the day progressed, I noticed my back was extremely achey and my cm had become a little thicker though still watery and also sticky With some white. I also have been very crampy and sharp, quick or dull, achey pain is in my pelvis and like my vag kinda. I don’t know I think I’m just gonna take a test in the morning..🤞🏻