I am so annoyed


Alright so.... I work for my husbands dad, and my husband works for his dad, then you have my room mate that works for his dad, they own a painting company. Great okay. Well this morning my husband get woke up to me telling him to answer his phone because it’s his mom and she will not stop calling the two of us, to see where my husband is because he was supposed to be on his job already. So great. Awesome, well he’s obviously not, he answers his phone and tells his mom he is walking out the door. Lie #1 of the day.... then about 15 or so min pass and he is still in bed..... she calls again... he tells her again that he is just barely walking out the door and he has a tooth ache. Lie # 2 or the day. Well then I get a phone call from his dad. Ugh I knew it was coming..... he went on and on and on about how my husband is a professional Lier. That he can’t keep his word for anything. Blah blah blah. I’ve heard it all before. He then tells me that all of us are done he is not playing our games and can’t do it for the company sake. Well alright then. I was up at 7 am doing my job. On top of getting my 2 kids ready for school, and answering phones and getting things lined up for my FIL day.... well apparently what I do is not enough. He hangs up on me, awesome guess I went back to high school.... about 10 min pass. He’s banging on my front door. My daughter is asleep. Well not anymore. My dogs are going crazy and I yell at my husband to get the hell out of bed and handle his own issue because I have already heard it all. He sits up in bed and just doesnt move.... I yell at him again. As his dad is now knocking and ringing the door bell a million times. My husband proceeds to get pissed off at me for telling him to handle his own problem. So he finally gets up. Answers the door. My FIL charges in my house and starts screaming at my husband as my husband just stands there. He proceeds to go in my basement to tell my room mate that he is fired and to never come to the shop again. Really???? How stupid can this get. He then tells my husband to get the business phone and that I’m now fired also.... well now isn’t that just awesome. I was getting paid weekly while my husband was every 2 weeks so it really worked out and kept us a float. Well now what do I do? All of us are fired.... we are moving at the end of December to a bigger house because I have 3 kids and expecting another in June... and christmas is in 25 days. Well that’s just fantastic. It’s hard enough finding a job but one that I can work from home and still be able to go to doctors appointments and what not is just impossible. I am so stuck right now. My husband has really put me in a horrible position... oh and to top it off. He went back to bed like nothing.... I’m so pissed off at him.... ugh...