Red Raspberry Leaf Tea


Good Morning!

I have been reading a lot of the posts about this tea. I just bought some last night and tried it. I added sugar, like I do to my normal tea and it wasn’t the best.

Is adding sugar okay? Is it still effective. Is there anything else I can add for flavor?

I’m 32 + 5. I have been having Braxton Hicks so intense that they take my breath away for over a week now and I am starting to feel sharp pains in what I expect is my cervix. This is my third pregnancy (7 years since the last one) and both of my first two came early at 37 weeks. Do you think this one will make it to 37 weeks?

***Updated Question****

I have mixed the red raspberry leaf tea with another tea that I like. I let the two teas strep together for about 15 mins. It really masked the taste of the tea but I’m curious am I still getting the benefits of the red raspberry leaf tea?

Thank you everyone for the helpful comments. I have researched fully the effects and benefits of the tea and there is no evidence what so ever to suggest that this tea begins labor. It is suggested to begin drinking as early as the start of the second trimester. The benefits of this tea are to promote a well toned uterus which will provide you with more effective active contractions and a shorter and less painful labor when it begins.

Thank you everyone again for all of the helpful input!