Sexual Assault

Janyska • 💞💕

So I’m sure we all have seen the many brave women come forward about sexual assault and i admire them so much. When i was about 12-17 they guy my mother was with would touch my private area and kiss my neck and kiss me while i was sleeping and many other disgusting things and i told my mother about it when i was 15 and she said she refused to choose between me or him and that i have to respect him and try to get along with him because that’s just the kind of person he his. It was humiliating and i was so embarrassed for even opening up my mouth because it took so long and so much for me to even open up to her. I’m now 21 and i haven’t told anyone else because I’ve been afraid of humiliation again. But all these women have inspired me to come forward about what has happened to me and i now know that I’m not alone and it wasn’t my fault and i don’t have to suffer in silence and carry this burden. I have been so afraid of ppl not believing me and calling me a liar but i was a kid and he was a grown man and that shouldn’t have happened. Even typing this i feel so relieved like weight has been lifted off of me. I’ve learned that if you tell someone and they don’t believe TELL SOMEONE ELSE. tell everyone and please don’t be ashamed because it’s not your fault and you are not the one who should feel shame. So to all my fellow victims out there #ibelieveyou #metoo