Can’t breastfeed on my own


I’m a ftm and my baby is 4 weeks old today. I have yet to successfully breastfeed my baby on my own.

I usually need my husband or mom to hold my son until I can get ready (pillows propped up on rocking chair, boppy around my stomach) and they will hand my baby and help me get him belly to belly.

Every time I try to maneuver my baby on my own, I feel like I’m hurting his neck or spine. He screams at the top of his lungs and his crying isn’t from hunger 😢 I also have carpal tunnels and my wrists are in so much pain which causes me to work quickly but I think too roughly.

I can get him to latch, but we are both usually uncomfortable and unhappy. I’m currently writing this as he is latched and quiet, but looks soooo uncomfortable. I feel so stupid because I don’t even know how to hold my own baby.

Anyone have any tips or tricks for me? How do you maneuver your baby to successfully breastfeed?

Thanks in advance!