Weaning night feeds/bottle and sleep help 😩

Karen β€’ First time mom to baby boy who was born 11/21/2016 πŸ’–πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

My son turned one last week. I lay next to him in our bed until he falls asleep and then when he’s passed out I transfer him to his crib. He stopped taking his pacifier since he’s gotten teeth and before the paci would soothe him throughout the night, so after rejecting the paci during the night he’d want some milk to soothe him to sleep and I did it because I was too tired to do anything else and did whatever worked to get him to quiet down and go back to sleep. He gets up 3-4x’s a night for milk and cries sometimes screams, and after the first waking I take him into bed with us. I attempted Ferber method sleep training at close to 9 months and I couldn’t handle it and he got sick shortly after so I stopped and thought maybe try it again at age one. Well he’s screaming a lot louder and my husband and I just feel bad and we also live in apartments so I don’t want to disturb our neighbors or have them think we’re abusing or neglecting our kid so there’s that too.

Any advice on no cry sleep training at age one and night feed weaning. Dr says no more bottles too so I need help. 😒☹️