34 + 5 & contractions but no dilation

Maddie • Everly’s Momma

I’ve been in triage 3 times since November 19th for contractions. Each time I was having contractions 2-8 minutes apart, but I wasn’t dilated and they did a FFn and it was negative. They gave me two rounds of steroids to speed up baby’s lung development. I’m still getting contractions every day and pelvic pressure as well as lightning Crotch, but they said not to come in until my water broke or I was having contractions to the point where I can’t talk through them, I’m quite the wuss when it comes to pain so this has been rough. I’m not due for a little over 5 weeks and my OB said I may experience contractions up until she’s born, anyone else having similar issues?? I’m a FTM so it’s so hard to tell what is and isn’t labor.