My Birth story Nov 27 ,2017.
Well it's Thanksgiving day and me and my fiancé go to my moms to eat. And that was around 1.00 clock and I ate good amount of food and my stomach just started acting weird right there getting really tight and later during the day I realize the baby wasn't moving. So later that night Kinsley was still not moving and my stomach was still being weird. So me and my fiancé decided to go to the hospital it's 11.00 clock at night and we get their they put baby on monitor all sudden she started moving and everything . Well they decided to check me I was 1 1/2 cm dilated so they sent us home . It's Nov 24 all sudden started having really bad pains starting from my back . So we end up going to hospital again and that was proby around 5 clock they check me I'm still 1 1/2 cm dilated they gave me Tylenol sent me home . I was in so much pain my fiancé put ice pack on my side and I just try to sleep I got up later that night was sitting on the toilet freak my fiancé out but I was like baby coming I lost my mucus plug gross but so exited call the dr she said doesn't mean I'll go into labor real fast could take up a week. But I was already in early labor . And hour from loosing my mucus plug the contractions started every 20 mins . I stared loosing some here and there threw out Sunday also. Sunday Nov 26 Then me and my fiancé decided to step up the plate contractions started every 7 mins so we went for a walk well he went fishing around a pond and I squat every 5 steps did that over and hour . Had intercourse and went on a bump road then I bounce my butt up and down lol and did the baby mama dance . Went shopping at winndixe Later that night the contractions started every 3 to 5 mins apart . Nov 27 It's Monday my fiancé is post to work at night . I call my dr says can I be check just incase I'm not further along so he don't miss his daughter birth . Dr was pack so they said go to the hospital they will check me . It's about 12 clock in the afternoon they set me up contractions our going crazy and a midwife comes in and checks me i ask what our u doing she was hurting me and I knew it she was stripping me . Well yup I was 3 she made me a 4 . So she said to us your not going home with out a baby . So I called my mom said baby on the way and I call my grandma and we let everyone know . So after like and hour or so contractions started up but the worst thing was my back labor started coming again omg worst pain ever. So I didn't want the epidural but I decided to get it . I was so nervous to get it and they stuck it in my back and did that prep test make sure I'm not allergic and I pass they laid me down and the midwife came in and pop my water omg did I feel that and they stuck the catheter up there omg even worst and contractions shot right up and I was feeling everything and I kept telling them I feel everything and I was moaning making noises and ugh saying out loud I can't do this the meds u gave me is not working . Well after 2 hours later they said will redue the epidural they said it was kink and I was wondering where did the meds go and having bad contractions I had to suck it up and take deep breaths and act like I was home with my daughter . So I got it redone and after that I felt
Two contractions and nothing more everything was numb . After 2 more hours the dr came in and check me and I was 10 cm dilated we did some pushes to bring her down more . And then I push and push and half way there she started Turning so then they made me go on my side and I stared to push . Then they had me roll back and push and before you know it you seen her head and out came Kinsley at 7:35 . I was in early labor from Thursday and real labor started Monday for about 8 hours and Kinsley was here her weight 7 lbs and 12 0z and I got a second degree tear down my butt and I had a hemorrhoid from Sunday from being constipated because of thanksgiving and when she tore me my hemorrhoid got even bigger . But with all the pain afterwards was well worth it even tho i can't sit but I m so in love with her .
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.